In an updated AP story about Pamela Diehl-Moore, 43, sentenced to 3 years probation for sex with a 13-year student in her seventh grade class, one state legislator was outraged at the flippant and stupid comments and lack of punishment handed out by the judge. Assemblywoman Rose Heck, a Republican who represents Bergen County, called the decision "shocking and unacceptable." The judge, Superior Court Judge Bruce A. Gaeta, had said at the sentencing, "I really don't see the harm that was done, and certainly society doesn't need to be worried." and "Maybe it was a way for him, once this happened, to satisfy his sexual needs," Gaeta said. "People mature at different rates."
Yes, well maybe Judge Gaeta doesn't have any children, and maybe, just maybe he couldn't care less about them. But as a mother, I am outraged and downright disgusted. And it it had been my child this 43 year old pedophile had preyed upon, you can bet I would not be satisfied. Assemblywoman Heck had it right when she said the judge should be removed from the bench.