Wednesday, May 15

There may be hope yet

A story I didn't see until today when they pulled it up from their archives : From the Riverside Press-Enterprise, there's a article by Ben Goad on the issue of adult-children sex "Experts weigh adult-teen dynamics" (May 7, 2002). The first paragraph pretty much says it all.
Poor self-esteem, a lack of self-imposed boundaries and being with someone less intellectually and sexually mature are characteristics commonly seen in illicit adult-teen relationships, experts say.
I don't for a minute buy the bit about a hopeless woman, but the lack of self-imposed boundaries pretty much defines the problem. And not just in schools or the church. We are talking about a 1960's philosophy that defined their limitations as "anything goes" and made a vow never to grow up. The Peter Pans have certainly made good on their promises.